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Class ModelViewManager

  extended by y.view.ModelViewManager

public class ModelViewManager
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class that performs automatic synchronization of graph element insertion and removal between a distinguished graph (the model) and one or more satellite graphs (the views).

Additionally, ModelViewManager supports filtered views of its model by associating an appropriate implementation of ModelViewManager.Filter to a view. Filtering provides a convenient way to create views whose element sets are disjoint from the element set of the manager's model (where element set means the nodes and edges in a graph).

Note: Synchronization is triggered by special GraphListener implementations; using the various hide/unhide methods provided by Graph to manipulate either model or views will therefore prevent the manager from working properly.


Nested Class Summary
static interface ModelViewManager.Filter
          Specifies the contract of graph element filters for views handled by ModelViewManager instances.
Method Summary
 void addViewGraph(Graph view, ModelViewManager.Filter filter, boolean updateModelOnStructuralChange)
          Adds the specified Graph to the list of views handled by this manager.
 void addViewGraph(Graph view, ModelViewManager.Filter filter, boolean updateModelOnStructuralChange, boolean updateViewOnStructuralChange)
          Adds the specified Graph to the list of views handled by this manager.
 void bindModelToView(Edge model, Edge view)
          Binds the specified model edge to the specified view edge.
 void bindModelToView(Node model, Node view)
          Binds the specified model node to the specified view node.
 Edge createModelEdge(Node src, Node tgt, boolean updateViewGraphs)
          Creates a new edge in this manager's model graph connecting the specified nodes.
 Node createModelNode(boolean updateViewGraphs)
          Creates a new node in this manager's model graph.
 Edge createViewEdge(Node src, Node tgt, boolean updateModel)
          Creates a new edge connecting the specified nodes.
 Graph createViewGraph(GraphCopier.CopyFactory factory, ModelViewManager.Filter filter, boolean updateModelOnStructuralChange)
          Creates a new view for the model of this manager.
 Graph createViewGraph(GraphCopier.CopyFactory factory, ModelViewManager.Filter filter, boolean updateModelOnStructuralChange, boolean updateViewOnStructuralChange)
          Creates a new view for the model of this manager.
 Node createViewNode(Graph view, boolean updateModel)
          Creates a new node in the specified Graph.
 void dispose()
          Disposes this ModelViewManager.
 GraphCopier.CopyFactory getCopyFactory(Graph viewGraph)
          Returns the GraphCopier.CopyFactory that is currently used to create graph elements in the specified view graph, or null if the default copy factory is used.
 GraphCopier.CopyFactory getDefaultCopyFactory()
          Returns the default CopyFactory used by this manager.
 ModelViewManager.Filter getFilter(Graph viewGraph)
          Returns the Filter that is currently associated to the specified graph, or null if no filtering is applied to the contents of the specified graph.
static ModelViewManager getInstance(Graph graph)
          Returns a ModelViewManager instance for the specified graph.
 Graph getModel()
          Returns the model graph used by this manager.
 Edge getModelEdge(Edge viewEdge)
          Returns the edge in the model managed by this ModelViewManager that corresponds to viewEdge or null if no such edge exists.
 Node getModelNode(Node viewNode)
          Returns the node in the model managed by this ModelViewManager that corresponds to viewNode or null if there is no such node.
 Edge getViewEdge(Edge model, Graph viewGraph)
          Returns the edge in viewGraph corresponding to edge model or null if no such edge exists in viewGraph (due to filtering).
 Node getViewNode(Node model, Graph viewGraph)
          Returns the node in viewGraph corresponding to node model or null if there is no such node in viewGraph (due to filtering).
static boolean hasInstance(Graph graph)
          Returns true if the specified graph has an associated ModelViewManager and is that manager's model graph; false otherwise.
 boolean isInnerGraphBindingAllowed()
          Determines whether it is possible to bind model and view of inner/ancestor graphs.
 boolean isUpdateModelOnStructuralChangeEnabled(Graph viewGraph)
          Returns true, iff structural changes in the specified view graph are automatically propagated to the model graph; false otherwise.
 boolean isUpdateViewOnStructuralChangeEnabled(Graph viewGraph)
          Returns true, iff structural changes in the model graph are automatically propagated to the specified view graph; false otherwise.
 boolean isUpdateViewsOnStructuralChangeEnabled()
          Returns true, iff structural changes in the model graph are automatically propagated to interested view graphs; false otherwise.
 boolean isViewGraph(Graph view)
          Returns true if the specified Graph has been registered as a view for this manager's model; false otherwise.
 void removeModelEdge(Edge edge, boolean updateViewGraphs)
          Removes the specified edge from this manager's model graph.
 void removeModelNode(Node node, boolean updateViewGraphs)
          Removes the specified node from this manager's model graph.
 void removeViewEdge(Edge edge, boolean updateModel)
          Removes the specified edge from its associated graph.
 void removeViewGraph(Graph view)
          Removes the specified Graph from the list of views handled by this manager.
 void removeViewNode(Node node, boolean updateModel)
          Removes the specified node from its associated graph.
 void setCopyFactory(Graph viewGraph, GraphCopier.CopyFactory factory)
          Specifies the GraphCopier.CopyFactory that is used to create any graph elements in the specified view graph.
 void setDefaultCopyFactory(GraphCopier.CopyFactory factory)
          Specifies the default CopyFactory used by this manager.
 void setFilter(Graph viewGraph, ModelViewManager.Filter filter)
          Specifies the Filter that should be applied when elements in viewGraph are created by this manager.
 void setInnerGraphBindingAllowed(boolean innerGraphBindingAllowed)
          Determines whether it is possible to bind model and view of inner/ancestor graphs.
 void setUpdateModelOnStructuralChangeEnabled(Graph viewGraph, boolean enabled)
          Specifies whether structural changes in the specified view graph should be automatically propagated to the model graph (and from there to all other view graphs, as usual).
 void setUpdateViewOnStructuralChangeEnabled(Graph viewGraph, boolean enabled)
          Specifies whether structural changes in the model graph should be automatically propagated to the specified view graph.
 void setUpdateViewsOnStructuralChangeEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Specifies whether structural changes in the model graph should be automatically propagated to interested view graphs.
 void synchronizeModelToViewGraph(Graph viewGraph)
          Updates the specified graph to include all model elements accepted by the filter associated to it exclusively.
 void synchronizeModelToViewGraph(NodeCursor modelNodes, EdgeCursor modelEdges, Graph viewGraph)
          Updates the specified graph to include the specified model elements that are accepted by its associated filter.
 void synchronizeModelToViewGraphs()
          Updates all view graphs handled by this manager to include all model elements accepted by their associated filters exclusively.
 void synchronizeViewGraphToModel(Graph viewGraph)
          Updates the model graph of this manager to include all elements currently contained in the specified graph exclusively.
 java.util.Iterator viewEdges(Edge model)
          Returns a read-only Iterator for all the view edges corresponding to edge model.
 java.util.Iterator viewGraphs()
          Returns a read-only Iterator for the views handled by this manager.
 java.util.Iterator viewNodes(Node model)
          Returns a read-only Iterator for all the view nodes corresponding to node model.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public Graph getModel()
Returns the model graph used by this manager.

the model graph used by this manager


public Graph createViewGraph(GraphCopier.CopyFactory factory,
                             ModelViewManager.Filter filter,
                             boolean updateModelOnStructuralChange)
Creates a new view for the model of this manager. The contents of the view will be a filtered copy of the model's current elements. Invoking this method is equivalent to:
createViewGraph(factory, filter, updateModelOnStructuralChange, true);

factory - a GraphCopier.CopyFactory that is used to create the new view and any graph elements in it. If null, the default copy factory is used.
filter - a Filter that determines which model elements are to be included in the created view. If null, all model elements are included.
updateModelOnStructuralChange - determines whether structural changes in the created view are to be automatically synchronized to the model.
a new view for the model of this manager.


public Graph createViewGraph(GraphCopier.CopyFactory factory,
                             ModelViewManager.Filter filter,
                             boolean updateModelOnStructuralChange,
                             boolean updateViewOnStructuralChange)
Creates a new view for the model of this manager. The contents of the view will be a filtered copy of the model's current elements.

factory - a GraphCopier.CopyFactory that is used to create the new view and any graph elements in it. If null, the default copy factory is used.
filter - a Filter that determines which model elements are to be included in the created view. If null, all model elements are included.
updateModelOnStructuralChange - determines whether structural changes in the created view are to be automatically synchronized to the model.
updateViewOnStructuralChange - determines whether structural changes in the model are to be automatically synchronized to the created view.
a new view for the model of this manager.


public void addViewGraph(Graph view,
                         ModelViewManager.Filter filter,
                         boolean updateModelOnStructuralChange)
Adds the specified Graph to the list of views handled by this manager. Invoking this method is equivalent to:
addViewGraph(view, filter, updateModelOnStructuralChange, true);

The CopyFactory currently set on the specified Graph is used for all subsequent view element creation operations.

The view is added as is, i.e. existing view elements are not removed, neither are existing model elements added. Use methods bindModelToView(y.base.Node, y.base.Node) and bindModelToView(y.base.Edge, y.base.Edge) to bind existing model elements to existing view elements. Use method synchronizeModelToViewGraph(y.base.Graph) to clear and recreate the view complete with appropriate model-to-view bindings.

view - a Graph to be registered as a view for this manager's model.
filter - a Filter that determines which model elements are to be included in the created view. If null, all model elements are included.
updateModelOnStructuralChange - determines whether structural changes in the added view are to be automatically synchronized to the model.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if view is null or if view has already been registered as a view in the context of a ModelViewManager.


public void addViewGraph(Graph view,
                         ModelViewManager.Filter filter,
                         boolean updateModelOnStructuralChange,
                         boolean updateViewOnStructuralChange)
Adds the specified Graph to the list of views handled by this manager.

The CopyFactory currently set on the specified Graph is used for all subsequent view element creation operations.

The view is added as is, i.e. existing view elements are not removed, neither are existing model elements added. Use methods bindModelToView(y.base.Node, y.base.Node) and bindModelToView(y.base.Edge, y.base.Edge) to bind existing model elements to existing view elements. Use method synchronizeModelToViewGraph(y.base.Graph) to clear and recreate the view complete with appropriate model-to-view bindings.

view - a Graph to be registered as a view for this manager's model.
filter - a Filter that determines which model elements are to be included in the created view. If null, all model elements are included.
updateModelOnStructuralChange - determines whether structural changes in the added view are to be automatically synchronized to the model.
updateViewOnStructuralChange - determines whether structural changes in the model are to be automatically synchronized to the added view.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if view is null or if view has already been registered as a view in the context of a ModelViewManager.


public void removeViewGraph(Graph view)
Removes the specified Graph from the list of views handled by this manager. All model-to-view binding information concerning the specified Graph is deleted, too.

view - the Graph to be deregistered as a view for this manager's model.


public java.util.Iterator viewGraphs()
Returns a read-only Iterator for the views handled by this manager.

a read-only Iterator for the views handled by this manager.


public boolean isViewGraph(Graph view)
Returns true if the specified Graph has been registered as a view for this manager's model; false otherwise.

view - the Graph to check.
true if the specified Graph has been registered as a view for this manager's model; false otherwise.


public java.util.Iterator viewEdges(Edge model)
Returns a read-only Iterator for all the view edges corresponding to edge model.

Note, the iterators created with this method are not fail-fast as one is used to from the Java™ Collections Framework, because there is no reliable way to check for concurrent modifications of the view graphs that actually hold the view edges.

model - an Edge in the model of this ModelViewManager.
a read-only Iterator for all the view edges corresponding to edge model.


public java.util.Iterator viewNodes(Node model)
Returns a read-only Iterator for all the view nodes corresponding to node model.

Note, the iterators created with this method are not fail-fast as one is used to from the Java™ Collections Framework, because there is no reliable way to check for concurrent modifications of the view graphs that actually hold the view nodes.

model - a Node in the model of this ModelViewManager.
a read-only Iterator for all the view nodes corresponding to edge model.


public GraphCopier.CopyFactory getDefaultCopyFactory()
Returns the default CopyFactory used by this manager.

the default CopyFactory used by this manager.


public void setDefaultCopyFactory(GraphCopier.CopyFactory factory)
Specifies the default CopyFactory used by this manager.

factory - the default CopyFactory used by this manager.


public Edge getViewEdge(Edge model,
                        Graph viewGraph)
Returns the edge in viewGraph corresponding to edge model or null if no such edge exists in viewGraph (due to filtering).

model - an Edge in the model of this ModelViewManager.
viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager.
the edge in viewGraph corresponding to edge viewGraph (due to filtering). model or null if no such edge exists in
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public Edge getModelEdge(Edge viewEdge)
Returns the edge in the model managed by this ModelViewManager that corresponds to viewEdge or null if no such edge exists.

viewEdge - an Edge in a view that is handled by this ModelViewManager
the edge in the model managed by this ModelViewManager that corresponds to viewEdge or null if there is no such edge.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewEdge does not belong to a graph at all or if said graph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public Node getViewNode(Node model,
                        Graph viewGraph)
Returns the node in viewGraph corresponding to node model or null if there is no such node in viewGraph (due to filtering).

model - a Node in the model of this ModelViewManager
viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager.
the node in viewGraph corresponding to node model or null if there is no such node in viewGraph (due to filtering).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public Node getModelNode(Node viewNode)
Returns the node in the model managed by this ModelViewManager that corresponds to viewNode or null if there is no such node.

viewNode - a Node in a view that is handled by this ModelViewManager
the node in the model managed by this ModelViewManager that corresponds to viewNode or null if there is no such node.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewNode does not belong to a graph at all or if said graph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public Node createModelNode(boolean updateViewGraphs)
Creates a new node in this manager's model graph.

updateViewGraphs - determines whether or not the creation of the new node should be propagated to the views associated to the model graph.
the newly created node.


public Edge createModelEdge(Node src,
                            Node tgt,
                            boolean updateViewGraphs)
Creates a new edge in this manager's model graph connecting the specified nodes.

src - the source node of the new edge.
tgt - the target node of the new edge.
updateViewGraphs - determines whether or not the creation of the new edge should be propagated to the views associated to the model graph.
the newly created edge.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either src or tgt is null.


public Node createViewNode(Graph view,
                           boolean updateModel)
Creates a new node in the specified Graph.

view - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager in which the new node is to be created.
updateModel - determines whether or not the creation of the new node should be propagated to the model graph.
the newly created node.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - is view is null or if view is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public Edge createViewEdge(Node src,
                           Node tgt,
                           boolean updateModel)
Creates a new edge connecting the specified nodes.

src - the source node of the new edge.
tgt - the target node of the new edge.
updateModel - determines whether or not the creation of the new edge should be propagated to the model graph.
the newly created edge.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either src or tgt is null or src does not belong to one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public void removeModelEdge(Edge edge,
                            boolean updateViewGraphs)
Removes the specified edge from this manager's model graph.

edge - the Edge to be removed.
updateViewGraphs - determines whether or not the removal of the edge should be propagated to the views associated to the model graph.


public void removeModelNode(Node node,
                            boolean updateViewGraphs)
Removes the specified node from this manager's model graph.

node - the Node to be removed.
updateViewGraphs - determines whether or not the removal of the node should be propagated to the views associated to the model graph.


public void removeViewEdge(Edge edge,
                           boolean updateModel)
Removes the specified edge from its associated graph.

edge - the Edge to be removed.
updateModel - determines whether or not the removal of the edge should be propagated to the model graph.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if edge does not belong to one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public void removeViewNode(Node node,
                           boolean updateModel)
Removes the specified node from its associated graph.

node - the Node to be removed.
updateModel - determines whether or not the removal of the node should be propagated to the model graph.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if node does not belong to one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public void bindModelToView(Node model,
                            Node view)
Binds the specified model node to the specified view node. I.e. after model has been bound to view a call to getModelNode(view) will return model and a call to getViewNode(model, view.getGraph()) will return view

model - the model node.
view - the view node.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if model does not belong to this ModelViewManager's model graph or if view does not belong to one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public void bindModelToView(Edge model,
                            Edge view)
Binds the specified model edge to the specified view edge. I.e. after model has been bound to view a call to getModelEdge(view) will return model and a call to getViewEdge(model, view.getGraph()) will return view

model - the model edge.
view - the view edge.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if model does not belong to this ModelViewManager's model graph or if view does not belong to one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public void synchronizeModelToViewGraphs()
Updates all view graphs handled by this manager to include all model elements accepted by their associated filters exclusively. I.e. if there are elements in this manager's model for which no model-to-view bindings exist for a given view, representatives of these elements are created in said view. Moreover, all elements in a given view for which no model representatives exist are removed from said view.


public void synchronizeModelToViewGraph(Graph viewGraph)
Updates the specified graph to include all model elements accepted by the filter associated to it exclusively. I.e. if there are elements in this manager's model for which no model-to-view bindings exist for viewGraph, representatives of these elements are created in viewGraph. Moreover, all elements in viewGraph for which no model representatives exist are removed from viewGraph.

viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager that is to be updated.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public void synchronizeModelToViewGraph(NodeCursor modelNodes,
                                        EdgeCursor modelEdges,
                                        Graph viewGraph)
Updates the specified graph to include the specified model elements that are accepted by its associated filter.

modelNodes - the model nodes for which to create representatives in the specified graph.
modelEdges - the model edges for which to create representatives in the specified graph.
viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager that is to be updated.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public void synchronizeViewGraphToModel(Graph viewGraph)
Updates the model graph of this manager to include all elements currently contained in the specified graph exclusively. I.e. if there are elements in viewGraph for which no model-to-view bindings exist, representatives of these elements are created in the model. Moreover, all elements in the model for which no representatives exist in viewGraph are removed from the model.

Note: Structural changes in the model due to the synchronization process triggered by this method will be propagated to all other views as usual.

viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager whose structure is to be replicated in the model graph.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public boolean isUpdateModelOnStructuralChangeEnabled(Graph viewGraph)
Returns true, iff structural changes in the specified view graph are automatically propagated to the model graph; false otherwise.

viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager.
true, iff structural changes in the specified view graph are automatically propagated to the model graph; false otherwise.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public void setUpdateModelOnStructuralChangeEnabled(Graph viewGraph,
                                                    boolean enabled)
Specifies whether structural changes in the specified view graph should be automatically propagated to the model graph (and from there to all other view graphs, as usual).

viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager.
enabled - if true, structural changes are automatically propagated from the specified view graph to the model graph.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public boolean isUpdateViewOnStructuralChangeEnabled(Graph viewGraph)
Returns true, iff structural changes in the model graph are automatically propagated to the specified view graph; false otherwise.

viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager.
true, iff structural changes in the model graph are automatically propagated to the specified view graph; false otherwise.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public void setUpdateViewOnStructuralChangeEnabled(Graph viewGraph,
                                                   boolean enabled)
Specifies whether structural changes in the model graph should be automatically propagated to the specified view graph.

viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager.
enabled - if true, structural changes are automatically propagated from the model graph to the specified view graph.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public boolean isUpdateViewsOnStructuralChangeEnabled()
Returns true, iff structural changes in the model graph are automatically propagated to interested view graphs; false otherwise. A view graph is considered interested in automatic updates if isUpdateViewOnStructuralChangeEnabled returns true for said graph.

true, iff structural changes in the model graph are automatically propagated to interested view graphs; false otherwise.


public void setUpdateViewsOnStructuralChangeEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether structural changes in the model graph should be automatically propagated to interested view graphs. A view graph is considered interested in automatic updates if isUpdateViewOnStructuralChangeEnabled returns true for said graph.

enabled - if true, structural changes are automatically propagated from the model graph to interested view graphs.


public ModelViewManager.Filter getFilter(Graph viewGraph)
Returns the Filter that is currently associated to the specified graph, or null if no filtering is applied to the contents of the specified graph.

viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager.
the Filter that is currently associated to the specified graph, or null if no filtering is applied to the contents of the specified graph.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public void setFilter(Graph viewGraph,
                      ModelViewManager.Filter filter)
Specifies the Filter that should be applied when elements in viewGraph are created by this manager.

Note: Setting a new filter has no effect on the current contents of the specified graph, but only on possible future element creations.

viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager.
filter - the Filter that determines whether or not model elements should be included in the specified view. May be null, indicating that no filtering should occur for the specified graph (i.e. all model elements are included).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public GraphCopier.CopyFactory getCopyFactory(Graph viewGraph)
Returns the GraphCopier.CopyFactory that is currently used to create graph elements in the specified view graph, or null if the default copy factory is used.

viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager.
the GraphCopier.CopyFactory that is currently used to create graph elements in the specified view graph, or null if the default copy factory is used.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public void setCopyFactory(Graph viewGraph,
                           GraphCopier.CopyFactory factory)
Specifies the GraphCopier.CopyFactory that is used to create any graph elements in the specified view graph.

viewGraph - a Graph from the list of views handled by this ModelViewManager.
factory - a GraphCopier.CopyFactory that is used to create any graph elements in the specified view graph. If null, the default copy factory is used.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if viewGraph is not one of the views handled by this ModelViewManager.


public void dispose()
Disposes this ModelViewManager. All model-to-view bindings stored by this manager are removed.


public static ModelViewManager getInstance(Graph graph)
Returns a ModelViewManager instance for the specified graph. The specified graph will serve as the manager's model graph for all future purposes.

graph - the Graph that should serve as the returned ModelViewManager's model. May not be null.
a ModelViewManager instance for the specified graph.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if graph is null.


public static boolean hasInstance(Graph graph)
Returns true if the specified graph has an associated ModelViewManager and is that manager's model graph; false otherwise.

graph - the Graph that is checked for an associated ModelViewManager.
true if the specified graph has an associated ModelViewManager and is that manager's model graph; false otherwise.


public boolean isInnerGraphBindingAllowed()
Determines whether it is possible to bind model and view of inner/ancestor graphs.

true if inner graph binding is set, false otherwise
See Also:


public void setInnerGraphBindingAllowed(boolean innerGraphBindingAllowed)
Determines whether it is possible to bind model and view of inner/ancestor graphs.

innerGraphBindingAllowed - determines if inner binding are created
See Also:

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