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Class Graph2DViewActions.OpenFoldersAction

  extended by javax.swing.AbstractAction
      extended by y.view.Graph2DViewActions.AbstractGroupingAction
          extended by y.view.Graph2DViewActions.OpenFoldersAction
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.awt.event.ActionListener,, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.EventListener, javax.swing.Action
Enclosing class:

public static class Graph2DViewActions.OpenFoldersAction
extends Graph2DViewActions.AbstractGroupingAction

Action that closes multiple group nodes.

By default, all selected group nodes are closed.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class y.view.Graph2DViewActions.AbstractGroupingAction
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.AbstractAction
changeSupport, enabled
Fields inherited from interface javax.swing.Action
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new OpenFoldersAction that has no default view.
Graph2DViewActions.OpenFoldersAction(Graph2DView view)
          Creates a new OpenFoldersAction
Method Summary
protected  boolean acceptNode(Graph2D graph, Node folderNode)
          Check whether a node should be changed by this action.
 void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
protected  void configureGroupRealizer(NodeRealizer nr)
          Updates the folder/group state of the specified realizer if necessary.
 boolean isKeepingSelectionState()
          Determines whether or not the selection state of a ProxyShapeNodeRealizer instance should be retained when the proxy's delegate realizer is exchanged due to a node state change.
 void openFolder(Node folderNode, Graph2D graph)
          Opens a single folder node.
 void openFolders(Graph2DView view)
          Opens all folders for which acceptNode(Graph2D,y.base.Node) returns true.
 void setKeepingSelectionState(boolean enabled)
          Specifies whether or not the selection state of a ProxyShapeNodeRealizer instance should be retained when the proxy's delegate realizer is exchanged due to a node state change.
Methods inherited from class y.view.Graph2DViewActions.AbstractGroupingAction
getHierarchyManager, getNodeStateChangeHandler, getView, isReselectNodes, postNodeStateChange, preNodeStateChange, setNodeStateChangeHandler, setReselectNodes
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.AbstractAction
addPropertyChangeListener, clone, firePropertyChange, getKeys, getPropertyChangeListeners, getValue, isEnabled, putValue, removePropertyChangeListener, setEnabled
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Graph2DViewActions.OpenFoldersAction()
Creates a new OpenFoldersAction that has no default view. Invoking this constructor is equivalent to:
new OpenFoldersAction(null)


public Graph2DViewActions.OpenFoldersAction(Graph2DView view)
Creates a new OpenFoldersAction

view - the default view that is used if the actual view cannot be determined from the information provided by an ActionEvent.
Method Detail


public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)


public void openFolders(Graph2DView view)
Opens all folders for which acceptNode(Graph2D,y.base.Node) returns true. The default implementation backs up the realizers of all opened folders.

view - The view where all information is used from.


protected boolean acceptNode(Graph2D graph,
                             Node folderNode)
Check whether a node should be changed by this action.

This method should return true iff groupNode should be closed.

true iff groupNode should be closed.


public void openFolder(Node folderNode,
                       Graph2D graph)
Opens a single folder node.

This method opens the folder unconditionally. In addition, if Graph2DViewActions.AbstractGroupingAction.getNodeStateChangeHandler() is not null, it is used to configure the relevant edges after opening the node.

Note: Client code that calls this method directly (instead of the action's openFolders(Graph2DView) method) should back up the realizer of the specified folder node to ensure that opening the folder can be properly undone.

folderNode - the folder node to be opened.
graph - the graph to which the specified folder node belongs.


protected void configureGroupRealizer(NodeRealizer nr)
Updates the folder/group state of the specified realizer if necessary.


public boolean isKeepingSelectionState()
Determines whether or not the selection state of a ProxyShapeNodeRealizer instance should be retained when the proxy's delegate realizer is exchanged due to a node state change.

If this property is false, a node state change event might result in an implicit selection state change for ProxyShapeNodeRealizer instances if the selection states of the delegate realizer that is used before the node state change differs from the selection state of the delegate realizer that is used after the node state change.

Defaults to false.

true if the selection state of a ProxyShapeNodeRealizer instance is explicitly set again after exchanging its delegate realizer; false otherwise.
See Also:


public void setKeepingSelectionState(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether or not the selection state of a ProxyShapeNodeRealizer instance should be retained when the proxy's delegate realizer is exchanged due to a node state change.

If this property is false, a node state change event might result in an implicit selection state change for ProxyShapeNodeRealizer instances if the selection states of the delegate realizer that is used before the node state change differs from the selection state of the delegate realizer that is used after the node state change.

Defaults to false.

enabled - if true, the selection state of a ProxyShapeNodeRealizer instance is explicitly set again after exchanging its delegate realizer; if false, the selection state of a ProxyShapeNodeRealizer is not explicitly (re-)set.
See Also:

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