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Class ObjectStringConversion

  extended by y.util.ObjectStringConversion
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ObjectStringConversion
extends java.lang.Object
implements ObjectStringConverter

This class serves as a basic implementation of the ObjectStringConverter interface. It is capable of converting objects of different types to Strings and vice versa.
It provides a default singleton instance that contains a great number of different implementations for a variety of types.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
protected ObjectStringConversion()
          Creates a new instance of ObjectStringConversion with no converters installed initially.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object convertToObject(java.lang.String o, java.lang.Class asClass)
          This method takes a String, and tries to interpret it as a String representation of the given class type, which it will then create.
 java.lang.String convertToString(java.lang.Object o, java.lang.Class asClass)
          This method takes an object, treats it as an object of the given class type and produces a String representation.
 ObjectStringConverter findObjectStringConverter(java.lang.Class forClass)
static ObjectStringConversion getInstance()
          Provides access to the singleton instance
 void registerAsSingleton()
          Registers this instance as the singleton instance returned by getInstance().
protected  void registerDefaultConverters()
          Registers default implementations for this instance for a number of different classes and types including: Integer Float Double Byte Short Boolean Long int float double byte boolean short long String Color File Date Font URL Rectangle2D Point2D Class Locale
 void registerObjectStringConverter(java.lang.Class clazz, ObjectStringConverter s)
          Registers another handler for the given class type
 ObjectStringConverter removeObjectStringConverter(java.lang.Class forClass)
          Removes a handler which was previously registered for the given class type
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected ObjectStringConversion()
Creates a new instance of ObjectStringConversion with no converters installed initially.

See Also:
Method Detail


public void registerAsSingleton()
Registers this instance as the singleton instance returned by getInstance().


protected void registerDefaultConverters()
Registers default implementations for this instance for a number of different classes and types including:


public void registerObjectStringConverter(java.lang.Class clazz,
                                          ObjectStringConverter s)
Registers another handler for the given class type

clazz - the type of class
s - the converter


public ObjectStringConverter removeObjectStringConverter(java.lang.Class forClass)
Removes a handler which was previously registered for the given class type

forClass - the type of class
the instance that was registered previously for the given class or null if there was no such handler registered


public static ObjectStringConversion getInstance()
Provides access to the singleton instance

an instance of ObjectStringConversion


public java.lang.Object convertToObject(java.lang.String o,
                                        java.lang.Class asClass)
                                 throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ObjectStringConverter
This method takes a String, and tries to interpret it as a String representation of the given class type, which it will then create.

Specified by:
convertToObject in interface ObjectStringConverter
o - the String to convert
asClass - the type which should be generated by this method. the method is free to create a more specific type, but that type must be assignment compatible
an object which can safely be cast to the given type
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this method is not capable of doing the transformation because of illegal arguments


public java.lang.String convertToString(java.lang.Object o,
                                        java.lang.Class asClass)
                                 throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ObjectStringConverter
This method takes an object, treats it as an object of the given class type and produces a String representation.

Specified by:
convertToString in interface ObjectStringConverter
o - the object to convert
asClass - the type which should be used to interpret the object, may be less specific than the actual object's type
a string representation of the object
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this method is not capable of doing the transformation because of illegal arguments


public ObjectStringConverter findObjectStringConverter(java.lang.Class forClass)

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