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Class TableEditorFactory.Theme

  extended by y.option.TableEditorFactory.Theme
Enclosing class:

public static class TableEditorFactory.Theme
extends java.lang.Object

This class can be used to customize the look of editors created by a TableEditorFactory. If a property of this class is null, an appropriate (Look and Feel dependent) default will be used.

See Also:
TableEditorFactory.ATTRIBUTE_THEME, TableEditorFactory.createTheme()

Method Summary
 java.awt.Color getInfoBackground()
          Returns the background color of the info component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.
 java.awt.Color getInfoForeground()
          Returns the foreground color of the info component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.
 java.awt.Color getInfoSelectionBackground()
          Returns the color used to render the selection background of the info component or null if the look and feel dependent default is used.
 java.awt.Color getInfoSelectionForeground()
          Returns the color used to render the selection foreground of the info component or null if the look and feel dependent default is used.
 java.awt.Color getTableBackground()
          Returns the background color of the table component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.
 java.awt.Color getTableForeground()
          Returns the foreground color of the table component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.
 java.awt.Color getTableGridColor()
          Returns the color used to draw grid lines and section backgrounds for the table component or null if the look and feel dependent default is used.
 java.awt.Color getTableSelectionBackground()
          Returns the background color of selected cells of the table component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.
 java.awt.Color getTableSelectionForeground()
          Returns the foreground color of selected cells of the table component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.
 java.awt.Color getTableViewportBackground()
          Returns the background color of the viewport of the table component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.
 void setInfoBackground(java.awt.Color infoBackground)
          Sets the background color for the info component.
 void setInfoForeground(java.awt.Color infoForeground)
          Sets the foreground color for the info component.
 void setInfoSelectionBackground(java.awt.Color infoSelectionBackground)
          Sets the color used to render the selection background of the info component.
 void setInfoSelectionForeground(java.awt.Color infoSelectionForeground)
          Sets the color used to render the selection foreground of the info component.
 void setTableBackground(java.awt.Color tableBackground)
          Sets the background color for the table component.
 void setTableForeground(java.awt.Color tableForeground)
          Sets the foreground color for the table component.
 void setTableGridColor(java.awt.Color tableGridColor)
          Sets the color used to draw grid lines and section backgrounds for the table component.
 void setTableSelectionBackground(java.awt.Color tableSelectionBackground)
          Sets the background color for selected cells of the table component.
 void setTableSelectionForeground(java.awt.Color tableSelectionForeground)
          Sets the foreground color for selected cells of the table component.
 void setTableViewportBackground(java.awt.Color tableViewportBackground)
          Sets the background color for the viewport of the table component.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public java.awt.Color getTableGridColor()
Returns the color used to draw grid lines and section backgrounds for the table component or null if the look and feel dependent default is used.


public void setTableGridColor(java.awt.Color tableGridColor)
Sets the color used to draw grid lines and section backgrounds for the table component. The default color is look and feel dependent. A null value will be interpreted as look and feel default.


public java.awt.Color getTableViewportBackground()
Returns the background color of the viewport of the table component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.


public void setTableViewportBackground(java.awt.Color tableViewportBackground)
Sets the background color for the viewport of the table component. The default color is look and feel dependent. A null value will be interpreted as look and feel default.


public java.awt.Color getTableBackground()
Returns the background color of the table component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.


public void setTableBackground(java.awt.Color tableBackground)
Sets the background color for the table component. The default color is look and feel dependent. A null value will be interpreted as look and feel default.


public java.awt.Color getTableForeground()
Returns the foreground color of the table component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.


public void setTableForeground(java.awt.Color tableForeground)
Sets the foreground color for the table component. The default color is look and feel dependent. A null value will be interpreted as look and feel default.


public java.awt.Color getTableSelectionBackground()
Returns the background color of selected cells of the table component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.


public void setTableSelectionBackground(java.awt.Color tableSelectionBackground)
Sets the background color for selected cells of the table component. The default color is look and feel dependent. A null value will be interpreted as look and feel default.


public java.awt.Color getTableSelectionForeground()
Returns the foreground color of selected cells of the table component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.


public void setTableSelectionForeground(java.awt.Color tableSelectionForeground)
Sets the foreground color for selected cells of the table component. The default color is look and feel dependent. A null value will be interpreted as look and feel default.


public java.awt.Color getInfoBackground()
Returns the background color of the info component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.


public void setInfoBackground(java.awt.Color infoBackground)
Sets the background color for the info component. The default color is look and feel dependent. A null value will be interpreted as look and feel default.


public java.awt.Color getInfoForeground()
Returns the foreground color of the info component or null representing the look and feel dependent default.


public void setInfoForeground(java.awt.Color infoForeground)
Sets the foreground color for the info component. The default color is look and feel dependent. A null value will be interpreted as look and feel default.


public java.awt.Color getInfoSelectionBackground()
Returns the color used to render the selection background of the info component or null if the look and feel dependent default is used.


public void setInfoSelectionBackground(java.awt.Color infoSelectionBackground)
Sets the color used to render the selection background of the info component. The default color is look and feel dependent. A null value will be interpreted as look and feel default.


public java.awt.Color getInfoSelectionForeground()
Returns the color used to render the selection foreground of the info component or null if the look and feel dependent default is used.


public void setInfoSelectionForeground(java.awt.Color infoSelectionForeground)
Sets the color used to render the selection foreground of the info component. The default color is look and feel dependent. A null value will be interpreted as look and feel default.

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