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Class NodeLabelCandidate

  extended by y.layout.LabelCandidate
      extended by y.layout.NodeLabelCandidate
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NodeLabelCandidate
extends LabelCandidate

A NodeLabelCandidate describes one valid placement for a node label considering the label model.


Constructor Summary
NodeLabelCandidate(OrientedRectangle labelBox, java.lang.Object param, NodeLabelLayout owner)
          Creates a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate described by its box and model parameter.
NodeLabelCandidate(OrientedRectangle labelBox, java.lang.Object param, NodeLabelLayout owner, boolean internal)
          Creates a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate described by its box, model parameter and internal flag.
NodeLabelCandidate(YPoint pos, YDimension size, java.lang.Object param, NodeLabelLayout owner)
          Creates a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate described by location, size and model parameter.
NodeLabelCandidate(YPoint pos, YDimension size, java.lang.Object param, NodeLabelLayout owner, boolean internal)
          Creates a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate described by location, size, model parameter and internal flag.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class y.layout.LabelCandidate
getBoundingBox, getBox, getCustomProfit, getEdgeOverlapPenalty, getHeight, getLocation, getModelParameter, getNodeOverlapPenalty, getOverlapPenalty, getOwner, getParameter, getSize, getWidth, getX, getY, isInternal, isPropagated, propagate, setCustomProfit, setEdgeOverlapPenalty, setNodeOverlapPenalty, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NodeLabelCandidate(YPoint pos,
                          YDimension size,
                          java.lang.Object param,
                          NodeLabelLayout owner)
Creates a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate described by location, size and model parameter.

pos - the location of the upper left corner of the candidate
size - the size of the candidate
param - the parameters of the label model associated with this candidate
owner - the label associated with the candidate


public NodeLabelCandidate(OrientedRectangle labelBox,
                          java.lang.Object param,
                          NodeLabelLayout owner)
Creates a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate described by its box and model parameter.

labelBox - the box that specifies the candidate's size and position
param - the parameters of the label model associated with this candidate
owner - the label associated with the candidate


public NodeLabelCandidate(OrientedRectangle labelBox,
                          java.lang.Object param,
                          NodeLabelLayout owner,
                          boolean internal)
Creates a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate described by its box, model parameter and internal flag.

labelBox - the box that specifies the candidate's size and position
param - the parameters of the label model associated with this candidate
owner - the label associated with the candidate
internal - true if the candidate is allowed to overlap with its owner, false otherwise


public NodeLabelCandidate(YPoint pos,
                          YDimension size,
                          java.lang.Object param,
                          NodeLabelLayout owner,
                          boolean internal)
Creates a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate described by location, size, model parameter and internal flag.

pos - the location of the upper left corner of the candidate
size - the size of the candidate
param - the parameters of the label model associated with this candidate
owner - the label associated with the candidate
internal - true if the candidate is allowed to overlap with its owner, false otherwise

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