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Class FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter

  extended by y.layout.FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter
Enclosing class:

public static class FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter
extends java.lang.Object

The model parameter that encodes a label position within FreeNodeLabelModel. It represents every possible location in relation to the node. The point describes the offset of the label's center to the upper-left corner of the node.

See Also:
setPoint(double, double)

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance of FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter.
FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter(double dx, double dy)
          Creates a new instance of FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter with the given offset.
Method Summary
 YPoint getPoint()
          Returns the offset of the label's center to the upper-left corner of the node.
 void setPoint(double dx, double dy)
          Specifies the offset of the label's center to the upper-left corner of the node.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter()
Creates a new instance of FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter. It has no offset, i.e., the upper-left corners of both node label and node are at the same location.


public FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter(double dx,
                                         double dy)
Creates a new instance of FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter with the given offset.

dx - the horizontal offset
dy - the vertical offset
Method Detail


public YPoint getPoint()
Returns the offset of the label's center to the upper-left corner of the node.

the offset


public void setPoint(double dx,
                     double dy)
Specifies the offset of the label's center to the upper-left corner of the node.

dx - the horizontal offset
dy - the vertical offset

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