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Class Bfs

  extended by y.algo.Bfs

public class Bfs
extends java.lang.Object

This class provides services that center around breadth first search (BFS).

Breadth first search starts at a given set of nodes and explores the neighboring nodes first, before visiting the next level neighbors.

A breadth first search run can be either directed or undirected. All methods require a list of nodes that are considered as the core nodes from which the breadth first search starts. These nodes can be identified either with a NodeList or with a DataProvider that returns true for core nodes and false for all other nodes. The output is given as an array of NodeLists each of which contains the nodes of a particular layer.

Example for a BFS run. The marked node is the core node from which BFS starts while node labels indicate the resulting layers.


Field Summary
static byte DIRECTION_BOTH
          An edge direction specifier for both incoming and outgoing edges.
          An edge direction specifier for incoming edges.
          An edge direction specifier for outgoing edges.
Method Summary
static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph, DataProvider isCoreNode)
          Returns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph, DataProvider isCoreNode, NodeMap layerIDMap)
          Returns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph, NodeList coreNodes)
          Returns the layers of nodes calculated by a breadth first search.
static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph, NodeList coreNodes, boolean directed, NodeMap layerIDMap)
          Returns the layers of nodes constructed by either a directed or undirected breadth first search.
static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph, NodeList coreNodes, boolean directed, NodeMap layerIDMap, int maxLayers)
          Returns the layers of nodes constructed by a directed/undirected breadth first search where the maximum number of layers is restricted.
static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph, NodeList coreNodes, byte direction, NodeMap layerIDMap, int maxLayerCount)
          Returns the layers of nodes constructed by a directed/undirected breadth first search where the maximum number of layers is restricted.
static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph, NodeList coreNodes, NodeMap layerIDMap)
          Returns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final byte DIRECTION_PREDECESSOR
An edge direction specifier for incoming edges.

See Also:
getLayers(y.base.Graph, y.base.NodeList, byte, y.base.NodeMap, int), Constant Field Values


public static final byte DIRECTION_SUCCESSOR
An edge direction specifier for outgoing edges.

See Also:
getLayers(y.base.Graph, y.base.NodeList, byte, y.base.NodeMap, int), Constant Field Values


public static final byte DIRECTION_BOTH
An edge direction specifier for both incoming and outgoing edges.

See Also:
getLayers(y.base.Graph, y.base.NodeList, byte, y.base.NodeMap, int), Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph,
                                   NodeList coreNodes)
Returns the layers of nodes calculated by a breadth first search.

The first of these layers contains all nodes within the given NodeList. These nodes are the core nodes from which an undirected breadth first search to the other nodes starts.

In the i-th layer are previously unassigned nodes that are connected to nodes in the (i-1)-th layer.

O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the given graph
coreNodes - the list of core nodes from which the BFS starts
an array of NodeLists each of which contains the nodes of a particular layer


public static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph,
                                   DataProvider isCoreNode)
Returns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.

The first of these layers contains all nodes for which the given DataProvider returns true. These nodes are the core nodes from which an undirected breadth first search to the other nodes starts.

In the i-th layer are previously unassigned nodes that are connected to nodes in the (i-1)-th layer.

isCoreNode.getBool(node) defined for all nodes in graph
graph - the given graph
isCoreNode - the DataProvider that contains the nodes from which the BFS starts; core nodes are marked with a true value
an array of NodeLists each of which contains the nodes of a particular layer


public static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph,
                                   DataProvider isCoreNode,
                                   NodeMap layerIDMap)
Returns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.

The first of these layers contains all nodes for which the given DataProvider returns true. These nodes are the core nodes from which an undirected breadth first search to the other nodes starts. The algorithm fills the provided NodeMap with an integer indicating the layer of each node.

In the i-th layer are previously unassigned nodes that are connected to nodes in the (i-1)-th layer.

isCoreNode.getBool(node) defined for all nodes in graph
graph - the given graph
isCoreNode - the DataProvider that contains the nodes from which the BFS starts; core nodes are marked with a true value
layerIDMap - the NodeMap that will be filled during the BFS execution and holds the zero-based index of the BFS layer to which each node belongs or -1 if the node is not reachable
an array of NodeLists each of which contains the nodes of a particular layer


public static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph,
                                   NodeList coreNodes,
                                   NodeMap layerIDMap)
Returns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.

The first of these layers contains all nodes within the given NodeList. These nodes are the core nodes from which an undirected breadth first search to the other nodes starts. The algorithm fills the provided NodeMap with an integer indicating the layer of each node.

In the i-th layer are previously unassigned nodes that are connected to nodes in the (i-1)-th layer.

isCoreNode.getBool(node) defined for all nodes in graph
graph - the given graph
coreNodes - the list of core nodes from which the BFS starts
layerIDMap - the NodeMap that will be filled during the BFS execution and holds the zero-based index of the BFS layer to which each node belongs or -1 if the node is not reachable
an array of NodeLists each of which contains the nodes of a particular layer


public static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph,
                                   NodeList coreNodes,
                                   boolean directed,
                                   NodeMap layerIDMap)
Returns the layers of nodes constructed by either a directed or undirected breadth first search.

The first of these layers contains all nodes within the given NodeList. These nodes are the core nodes from which a directed/undirected breadth first search to the other nodes starts. The algorithm fills the provided NodeMap with an integer indicating the layer of each node.

In the i-th layer are previously unassigned nodes that are connected to nodes in the (i-1)-th layer.

O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the given graph
coreNodes - the list of core nodes from which the BFS starts
directed - true if the graph should be considered directed, false otherwise
layerIDMap - the NodeMap that will be filled during the BFS execution and holds the zero-based index of the BFS layer to which each node belongs or -1 if the node is not reachable
an array of NodeLists each of which contains the nodes of a particular layer


public static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph,
                                   NodeList coreNodes,
                                   boolean directed,
                                   NodeMap layerIDMap,
                                   int maxLayers)
Returns the layers of nodes constructed by a directed/undirected breadth first search where the maximum number of layers is restricted.

The first of these layers contains all nodes within the given NodeList. These nodes are the core nodes from which either a directed or undirected breadth first search to the other nodes starts. The algorithm fills the provided NodeMap with an integer indicating the layer of each node.

In the i-th layer are previously unassigned nodes that are connected to nodes in the (i-1)-th layer.

If the number of layers is restricted, the returned NodeList may only contain a subset of nodes (i.e., only those with layer <= max layer).
O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the given graph
coreNodes - the list of core nodes from which the BFS starts
directed - true if the graph should be considered directed, false otherwise
layerIDMap - the NodeMap that will be filled during the BFS execution and holds the zero-based index of the BFS layer to which each node belongs or -1 if the node is not reachable
maxLayers - the number of layers that will be returned or 0 if all layers are required
an array of NodeLists each of which contains the nodes of a particular layer


public static NodeList[] getLayers(Graph graph,
                                   NodeList coreNodes,
                                   byte direction,
                                   NodeMap layerIDMap,
                                   int maxLayerCount)
Returns the layers of nodes constructed by a directed/undirected breadth first search where the maximum number of layers is restricted.

The first of these layers contains all nodes within the given NodeList. These nodes are the core nodes from which a breadth first search to the other nodes starts. The algorithm fills the provided NodeMap with an integer indicating the layer index of each node (all core nodes have layer index 0).

In the i-th layer are previously unassigned nodes that are connected to nodes in the (i-1)-th layer.

If the number of layers is restricted, the returned NodeList may only contain a subset of nodes (i.e., only those with layer index < max layer count).
O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the given graph
coreNodes - the list of core nodes
direction - one of the predefined direction specifiers
layerIDMap - the NodeMap that will be filled during the BFS execution and holds the zero-based index of the BFS layer to which each node belongs or -1 if the node is not reachable
maxLayerCount - the maximum number of layers that will be returned or 0 if all layers are required
an array of NodeLists each of which contains the nodes of a particular layer
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given direction is not supported

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