documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


Framework class for implementing depth first search (DFS) based algorithms.

Inheritance Hierarchy


A depth first search starts from a specified node and traverses the neighbors within a branch as deeply as possible (i.e., without visiting any vertex twice) before backtracking.

A depth first search traversal induces a DFS forest that may consist of more than one DFS tree. Based on these trees, the edges are divided into four categories (see example):

  • Tree Edges: The edges of the DFS forest.
  • Back edges: Non-tree edges that connect nodes with their ancestors in the DFS tree. Self-loops are also considered as back edges.
  • Forward edges: Edges that connect nodes of the DFS tree to one of their descendants.
  • Cross edges: All other edges.

During a DFS run each node of the graph can be in one of the following states:

  • Undiscovered: A node that has not been visited yet.
  • Discovered but not finished: A node that has been already visited, but has not been completed yet, i.e. it is still part of an active path of the DFS tree.
  • Finished: A node that has been completed, i.e. it has been visited before and is not part of an active path of the DFS tree anymore.

Graph algorithms, which are based on a depth first search, can extend this class and override appropriate callback methods provided by this class.

Example of a DFS traversal. Node labels indicate the order in which nodes are visited. Solid edges are the edges of the DFS tree while dashed edges represent back, forward and cross edges.

Default Values of Properties

directedModefalseGraphs are considered undirected.

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
All layout modules, view-layout-bridge
Legacy UMD name

See Also




