GraphML Extension Package Version 3.2-yFiles-2.7

The GraphML extension package provides classes for reading, writing, and transforming GraphML files.


GraphML Framework
org.graphdrawing.graphml This package contains classes which are used in all parts of the GraphML API.
org.graphdrawing.graphml.attr This package contains classes for handling the GraphML attribute module extensions.
org.graphdrawing.graphml.reader This package contains classes common to all parsers for GraphML files.
org.graphdrawing.graphml.reader.dom This package contains a GraphML parser based on a XML parser for the Document Object Model (DOM).
org.graphdrawing.graphml.util This package contains various utility classes.
org.graphdrawing.graphml.writer This package contains classes for the output of GraphML files.


yFiles Implementation of the GraphML Framework
yext.graphml.compat This package contains classes for reading or writing other graphML dialects (such as yFiles .NET GraphML).
yext.graphml.graph2D This package contains yFiles import/export handler for an extension of GraphML, which is aware of the graphical features of yFiles.
yext.graphml.module This package contains IOModules for the GraphML format.
yext.graphml.processor This package contains GraphMLIOHandler extensions that allow to use <y:postprocessors> and <y:processor> instructions within a GraphML file, as well as some useful processor modules.
yext.graphml.reader This package contains adapters used in the implementation of yFiles GraphML import handlers.
yext.graphml.writer This package contains adapters used in the implementation of yFiles GraphML export handlers.


The GraphML extension package provides classes for reading, writing, and transforming GraphML files.

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