This package provides classes for handling planar graphs and creating planar graph layouts. A planar graph is defined in the class SimplePlanarInformation (com.yworks.yfiles.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation).

 EdgeOrder Interface EdgeOrder.
 EdgePairCursor Defines a cursor which returns pairs of edges.
 Embedder This is an interface for planar embedders.
 FaceCursor Defines a cursor which returns only instances of Face.
 FaceMap Provides access to data associated with a face.
 InitialPlanarSubgraph An interface for graph planarization.
 SubdivisionHandler This interface is for handling subdivide events invoked by method subdivide (PlanarInformation).
 BCCSubgraph This class calculates a planar subgraph for the each biconnected component of the graph and then puts these planar subgraphs together.
 CombinatorialEmbedder Interface implementation for an embedder.
 DrawingEmbedder Computes a planar embedding from a planar drawing of a graph.
 DualPlanarInformation A class for all the dual graph stuff
 EdgeInserter This class handles insertion of edges into an embedded graph.
 EdgeRouter Instances of this class route edges through a planar graph using it's dual graph
 Face This class represents a face (region) in a planar graph.
 FrameMaker Creates a Frame around a graph.
 GT This class implements a powerful planar-subgraph heuristic.
 GT_EdgeListComparator /main/java/y/layout/planar/
 GT_MIS1Comparator Defines ordering for edges in the the first Maximum Independent Set.
 GT_MIS2Comparator Defines ordering for edges in the second Maximum Independent Set.
 IntDSP An implementation of the Dijkstra Shortest Path Algorithm for weighted graphs.
 MultipleEdgesTool Helper that can be used to temporarily hide multiple edges in a planar graph and reinsert them at a later time again.
 OverlapGraphMIS This class handles the computation of the two maximum independent sets for the planarization algorithm com.yworks.yfiles.layout.planar.GT.
 PlanarInformation This class defines a planar graph.
 PlanarInformation_EdgeInfo Class hold all information related to an edge.
 PlanarInformation_NodeInfo Class hold all information related to a node.
 PlanarityTest Implementation of a planarity test with linear time.
 PlanarityTestWrapper A class used to wrap any instance of com.yworks.yfiles.layout.planar.InitialPlanarSubgraph to make sure that the complete graph is obtained when using com.yworks.yfiles.layout.planar.InitialPlanarSubgraph.createPlanarization().
 SelfLoopTool This class handles the removal resp.
 SimpleEdgeRouter Instances of this class route edges through a planar graph using its dual graph.
 SimplePlanarInformation This class defines a planar embedded graph.
 SimplePlanarInformation_SimpleEdgeInfo Class hold all information related to an edge.
 VertexOrder Computes an ordering of the vertices of an graph.