Provides classes and interfaces that are necessary for layout calculation of graphs with a partition grid.

Class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.grid.PartitionGrid can be used to create a grid that partitions the drawing area into rectangular partition cells. Such a grid consists of rows and columns where nodes are assigned using a com.yworks.yfiles.layout.grid.PartitionCellId. The PartitionGrid as well as the PartitionCellIds have to be registered to the graph using the data provider keys y.layout.grid.PartitionGrid#PARTITION_GRID_DPKEY (link) and com.yworks.yfiles.layout.grid.PartitionGrid.PARTITION_CELL_DPKEY.

The following layouters support partition grid:

 ColumnDescriptor This class represents a column of a com.yworks.yfiles.layout.grid.PartitionGrid.
 PartitionCellId Represents an identifier for partition cells of the partition grid.
 PartitionCellId_Pair0 Represents a single partition cell, i.e., a row-column pair.
 PartitionGrid Class for creating a partition grid, i.e., a grid that partitions the drawing area into rectangular partition cells.
 RowDescriptor This class represents a row of a com.yworks.yfiles.layout.grid.PartitionGrid.