Interfacepublic interface IInactiveLabelElementSelector
Implementors ProxyNodeRealizerSerializer

This interface can be implemented by realizer serializers so they can determine the label elements of the inactive state that will be parsed by the ReadLabelRealizerHandler.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
selectInactiveLabelElements(context:GraphMLParseContext, defaultValue:Boolean, dataElement:XML):XMLList
Returns a list of child label elements of the given dataElement which shall be added to the inactive state of the labeled item.
Method Detail
public function selectInactiveLabelElements(context:GraphMLParseContext, defaultValue:Boolean, dataElement:XML):XMLList

Returns a list of child label elements of the given dataElement which shall be added to the inactive state of the labeled item.


context:GraphMLParseContext — The current parse context
defaultValue:Boolean — Whether the default value is being parsed
dataElement:XML — The data element that might contain label elements

XMLList — A list of label elements that will be parsed