Trail: Creating a Simple Graph Editor

In this trail, we are going to create a simple diagramming application that uses the yFiles for Java graph visualization library. The application will be an editor type of application, i.e., it supports interactively creating and editing graph elements. Also, navigation in the view will be supported (panning, i.e., moving the viewport) as well as zooming in and out.

Enhancing Simple Graph Viewer to Simple Graph Editor — This lesson shows how to create a simple graph editor application that provides mouse-based editing support. It uses the simple graph viewer application from the Creating a Simple Graph Viewer trail as a starting point.

Adding Keyboard Support to the Editor — Shows how to complete the mouse-based editing support by adding keyboard support also.

Adding Grouping Support to the Editor — In this lesson, the editor is enhanced with support for graph hierarchies. It shows how to create group nodes using one of the predefined hierarchy-related Action implementations, and also user interaction aspects related to group nodes and folder nodes (e.g., collapse/expand of group nodes).