yFiles Tutorial README


3rdPartyLicenses.html 3rd party license terms
README.html this file
src/ The tutorial's source code examples (demo programs). Note that the source code examples are discussed in detail in the tutorial.
doc/ yFiles Tutorial
lib/ contains the 3rd party CsvJdbc driver Jar file, which is used in some of the tutorial's source code examples

3rd Party Notices

yFiles Tutorial uses CsvJdbc, a JDBC driver for CSV files, in some of the source code examples.
The latest version of the software can be found at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/csvjdbc.
The GNU Lesser General Public License applies to the CsvJdbc driver.

Using the Tutorial's Source Code Examples

In order to use the tutorial's source code examples, the following Jar files need to be in the classpath:

Additionally, the following files (resources, etc.) also need to be in the classpath: