Class ResizeHighlighter

A GraphHighlighter implementation that will add resize highlights to the element.

All Parent Classes:
Constructor Summary
ResizeHighlighter(yfiles/client/tiles/GraphHighlighter highlighter, int hotSpotSize)

Creates a new instance of this class.

Method Summary
  drawEdgeHighlight(yfiles/client/tiles/widget/GraphCanvas canvas, DomNode parentDiv, Number controlPointIndex, Object[] controlPoints)           

Delegates to the wrapped yfiles/client/tiles/GraphHighlighter.

  drawNodeHighlight(yfiles/client/tiles/widget/GraphCanvas canvas, HTMLDivElement highlightDiv, yfiles/client/tiles/GraphBounds nodeBounds)           

Adds the resize highlight to an element.

Constructor Detail


ResizeHighlighter(yfiles/client/tiles/GraphHighlighter highlighter, int hotSpotSize)

Creates a new instance of this class.

highlighter -

The delegated highlighter that is invoked on the element before this one.

hotSpotSize -

The size of the area the user can hit to perform a resize operation.

Method Detail


 drawEdgeHighlight(yfiles/client/tiles/widget/GraphCanvas canvas, DomNode parentDiv, Number controlPointIndex, Object[] controlPoints)

Delegates to the wrapped yfiles/client/tiles/GraphHighlighter.

canvas -

The GraphCanvas instance.

parentDiv -

The parent element where highlight elements can be added. No positioning information is assigned to the parent element.

controlPointIndex -

The current control point index.

controlPoints -

The control points on the edge.


 drawNodeHighlight(yfiles/client/tiles/widget/GraphCanvas canvas, HTMLDivElement highlightDiv, yfiles/client/tiles/GraphBounds nodeBounds)

Adds the resize highlight to an element.

canvas -

The canvas to draw the highlight to

highlightDiv -

The div element that should be modified to include the highlight.

nodeBounds -

The bounds of the node that should be highlighted.

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