Application-specific yFiles Tutorial View Demos

The following tutorial view demos show how to use basic application features like drag and drop, print previewing, clipboard functionality, and undoability.

Class Description
demo.view.application.UndoRedoDemoShows how to use undo/redo functionality provided by yFiles
demo.view.application.ClipboardDemoDemonstrates how to use the yFiles clipboard functionality to cut, copy, and paste parts of a graph
demo.view.application.DragAndDropDemoShows how to drag different node and edge types from a list and how to drop them onto a graph view
demo.view.application.LocalViewDemoDemonstrates local views, a feature that uses a given graph to create a smaller graph which emphasizes a certain aspect of the original graph
demo.view.application.PrintPreviewDemoDemonstrates how to use the yFiles print preview panel
demo.view.application.SwimlaneDemoDemonstrates how to use and customize TableGroupNodeRealizer to work as a pool having several swim lanes and milestones
demo.view.application.SearchDemoDemonstrates how to find nodes in a graph that match a specific criterion and how to visually present them

Running the Demos

From Within an IDE

Set <yFilesDir>/src as your source directory. Then add <yFilesDir>/lib/y.jar and the source folder <yFilesDir>/src to your classpath. Now you should be ready to compile and run all executable demo classes.

With Ant

First make sure you have the build tool Ant installed on your system. Now you can use the demo build script build.xml located in <yFilesDir>/src/demo to launch each demo by specifying its simple class name as a target. Alternatively, launch the interactive demo driver by specifying run as target to conveniently access all demos.